Complaints that people have in what is a vector? First, using a vector, is that a meeting of the unpaid. They also (cost me $ 130), please purchase a sample of the original set of knives. In addition, they have come to the meetings once a week unpaid. When you go to appointments, pay their own gas money. They advertise that you meet people $ 18/hour for every promise, unless they meet the Vector, you may not get paid on it. In short, a vector will take your time and your money.
This is a fraud is not enough here, please refer to the wrong expectations. Most of the people who work for the vector is between 18 years old. They are probably working at or above minimum wage jobs, most are. "Work" and is the time to do something for a period of time will be paid a fixed rate. They are, when you start working for Vector, they expect a more or less the same thing.
However, the vector does not think is as follows: "work." Vector is like a smaller company. When you operate a business that you are aware that certain fees must be paid to you. If you know that if you run a mini-business, you are your own and setting up meetings that are known to make money quickly and rapidly return to this and pay their own gas, buy a sample set that's why. So the scam you into purchasing their products at 70% off the vector, it is a vector, rather than taking some financial risk, it is expected that you will not.
In addition, the vector is (or will not have it again this "work.") Has been required to learn a particular skill. The huge summer conference and go to weekly meetings that you are for this purpose. Work for vector must be willing to learn as to teach in the classroom as is the case you have any college. Just like the people do not get paid to learn in your classroom, you will not be paid to learn from the Vector. Payoff, the more skills, motivation, and many opportunities to get the commission and to sell. As my manager said it is sharpening your ax.
However, despite these two things, Vector is there may be one way of giving the wrong impression that perhaps negligence. They advertise that the low pressure, and lack of sales quota, including base pay and why. This is not very true. It appointments with customers, drive time, considering the time it takes to get the time and the wage base is almost never pay off. If you do not sell, you break even. Second, the administrator, your "harassment" in, but be motivated to sell. If you are in a bad mood, it can feel like pressure. Anyone work for a vector for months, rather than sold, the money is coming from where to find the wage base.
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