Communication is one of the most important strategic areas vital to the success of the organization in time. You can have the most innovative products and services or you the best, if weak internal and external communications, the demand for your products and services, personal flags raises the concern The. When you communicate the value of products and services, whether you want to focus on your customers that will benefit them.
When planning a strategy for the IMC Integrated Marketing Communications and the content, timing, and through the concerted efforts of the delivery of products or services, by an attractive interaction, you want to interact with customers. Direction is transmitted to the target audience, your message is clear, consistent, and the timing and appearance, by ensuring these factors are connected through instant product recognition, the benefits of your brand help avoid confusion about.
When looking at your marketing mix, along with customer service, pricing, distribution, advertising and promotions are considering. Integrated marketing communications is part of the marketing mix are included in your marketing plan. IMC strategy is to define your target audience, establish your goals and budget, any competitive social and analyze the cultural or technical problems, conduct research to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion strategies and.
The ethical corporate communication plan, if you follow the guidelines and industry, they will earn the trust of their customers and target audience probably. There are five basic tools of integrated marketing communications.
1. Ad:
This tool, radio, television, magazines, newspapers (ROP), Internet, billboards and other mobile technology, you can often get a message to the audience effectively through means such as communications equipment. It may be somewhat expensive cost, this approach effectively, you can reach many consumers.
2. Sales Promotion:
This tool, coupons, contests, samples, premiums, demonstrations, displays and incentives are used throughout. It will build brand awareness, by promoting repeat purchases will be used to accelerate short-term sales.
3. Public Relations:
Tools for Integrated Marketing Communications is in Masamitsu, products, by offering the person or company, to build goodwill and trust, appeared in public, was initiated through sponsorship and events News / Press Releases The.
4. Direct Marketing:
This tool increase sales, in order to reach the target audience to test new products and alternative marketing tactics, e-mail, mail, catalogs, will be used to facilitate the immediate response to radio and television.
5. Personal selling:
To earn your customers to strengthen relationships with clients, sales appointments and meetings, home parties, create presentations, set up any type of face-to-face communication, the IMC to start this tool.
Establish a strategic decision-making stage and the overall goal of the marketing plan is to evaluate the specific activities of the Integrated Marketing Communications, to help fine-tune. Before choosing the IMC tools, marketing, product and brand managers, competitive and social, legal, regulatory, ethical, you should examine the cultural and technological considerations. One of the things you want to avoid when you activate your integrated marketing communications tools to reach the inappropriate audience, are causing controversy. To build brand awareness, and seeks to encourage consumer spending with your company, it may be harmful. Marketing Manager, beliefs, and feelings toward the brand, and examine the behavior of the target audience they are attracting their attention to the promotional campaign, in order to achieve awareness of the products, their beliefs can influence.
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