Typically, the following is an example of a process that is handled by HRM.
> Compensation and Benefits
> Industrial relations
> Performance Evaluation
> Safety, security and occupational health management
> Staffing - job analysis, recruitment, selection and retention
How long is long-term HRM has been used?
> Long-term HRM is in the early 1960s, has developed human resource management in the United States and PM before.
> Merriam - Webster's dictionary, the first recorded use of long-term human resources has been claimed to be from 1961.
> Human resource management is beginning to emerge by the mid-1980s or the long-term HRM, personnel management immediately replaced.
How many features have been studied generally are covered by HRM is managed today?
HRM functions that are today covered by the general, has a much longer history than is widely believed. Many artists, PM and long-term organizational performance management, and employees, to deal with the paperwork needed to process the payroll, the first in the United States, which claimed to have been created.
They are not using the modern language, there are many recorded instances of the current HRM functions that are specified in ancient texts.
Code of Hammurabi from ancient Babylon in 1750 BC, the wage in order to transfer their skills to apprentices the minimum for the owners of slaves, skilled craftsmen duty for quality standards for builders, Sets and health care obligations.
The Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder first century AD, the warning about health hazards of working with zinc and sulfur, which governs the use of protective mask from the bladder of animals.
The year 1556, Georgious German scientists Agricola de Re Metallica of his, describes how to improve work-related injuries and occupational health.
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